Mayfest 2016 – Can I Start Again Please

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Sue MacLaine Company

Can I Start Again Please tells parallel narratives in parallel languages (English & British Sign Language) which intersect, diverge and build to create a mesmerising mix of verbal and visual theatre.

The piece desiccates and dissects childhood trauma via an exploration of Wittgenstein and semantics. Can I start Again Please investigates the power and failings of language – language that tells and hide truths – sparring across the heard and the unheard, the spoken and the unspoken.

The script is poetic and full of humour and is performed by Sue MacLaine and Nadia Nadarajah with a bright, coursing and relaxed reciprocity.

The piece is fully accessible to British Sign Language users.

Winner: Total Theatre Award for ‘Innovation, Experimentation and Playing with Form’ Edinburgh Fringe 2015

“This gracefully intelligent production faces up to so much: trauma, barely articulable feelings, the limits of language. You emerge wondering how a staging so kind can be so devastating.”Maxie Szalwinska, The Sunday Times

“MacLaine’s challenging, devastating and devastatingly good piece…raises pertinent questions.” Lyn Gardner, The Guardian

“How do you make sense of abuse? How do you take it apart to process it? This profound and poetic piece—almost a performance sculpture—makes a start.” Matt Trueman, Fest magazine

Booking is now open to MAYK friends, and will open to the public at 10am on Friday 11 March. Become a MAYK friend and get priority booking, too.

Thu 19 – Fri 20 May, 6.30pm

All ages


19/05/2016 18:30 to
20/05/2016 19:30


£12 / £8

 Can I Start
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